interverse: a virtual garden of words and formweb-based installation of poetry sculptures spacial poemsgenerative VR-application NO PHOTOGRAPHS OF REALITYdigital 3D-sculpture self-portraits with white hairseries of photographs I was 21 versions of myself just now13-channel installation on single-board computers can you hear me?single-channel video montage ORE OF THE INTERNETseries of videos SELF OBSERVATIONSseries of photographic montages interposed stillsseries of photographic animations all your faces are mineseries of photographic montages and texts on skin and screenssingle-channel audio poetry off facesseries of photographic montages white letteringcycle of photographs and poetic form in acrylic paint photonsseries of photographs correspondencies of the deep divingdigital installation Der MückentodLanggedicht OSZITpoetry collection FIRNseries of photographic montages ANENseries of photographic montages