series of six photographic montages
Die Rede / the speech
Der Ausflug / the trip
am Meer / by the sea
Die Party / the party
In my grandmother’s family albums I meet my ancestors. Photographs show me theirfaces, surfaces, covers, faded characteristics. My grandmother tells me one or two sentences about my great-grandfather. Those sentences are the essence of what in my imagination I call“great-grandfather”.
This language is as fragmentary as the photographs. My great-grandfather is a facsimile that can only move in already-decided images. I defamiliarize the pictures in my grandmother's albums according to theprinciple of her narration in order to gain access to them. I assemble, form, light, condense, destroy and renew the particles of theimages, the face of my great-grandfather, the sparse fragments of my ancestors. I make a symbol of myself and braid it into the pictures to explore my ownposition in the structure of the pictures and the midst of my ancestors
Das Quadrat/ the square
Installation of ANEN at Freitagssalon, Hahnemühle Fine Art Prints on wood, 95 cm x 100 cm / 120 cm, Hamburg, 2015